Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday Review: To Bless the Space Between Us by John O'Donahue

Irish priest and poet John O'Donahue's book is a beautiful collection of blessings for all occasions. It's divided into seven sections:

1. Beginnings: For the Light, For a New Home...and others;

2. Desires: For Freedom, For Longing, For Friendship...;

3. Thresholds: For Your Birthday; For Old Age; For Death; In Praise of Water...;

4. Homecomings: On Waking; For a Mother; To Come Home to Yourself...;

5. States of the Heart: For Solitude; For Grief; For the One Who is Exhausted...;

6. Callings: For a Farmer; For a Nurse; For the Unknown Self...;

7. Beyond Endings: At the End of the Year; For Broken Trust;
For Lost Friends; Entering Death...;

These poems will touch your heart, ease your loneliness, repair your soul.
I was never a reader of poetry until my husband died. Now I find poems just what I need to see me through my journey. I was introduced to John O'Donahue's work during a trip to Ireland, and he's become one of my favorites. Hope you'll read his inspiring poems, too.


Su said... [Reply to comment]

That sounds lovely.

the spirit that moves me said... [Reply to comment]

I've heard great things about John O'Donahue and your post reminded me of him. I would like to read this, it looks beautiful!


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