Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Memory of the Month

A fellow widowhood blogger, Boo, whose blog is called Boo's Journey Through Widowhood, read my recent post about memories of Ralph and suggested I do a memory each month. So here's the first:

Ralph loved to tease me and his sisters, especially Karen, the closest sister in age. One year, just before her birthday, he was attending a computer expo when he came upon a booth at which you could have your picture taken and turned into a jigsaw puzzle. He promptly did this, took the puzzle apart and mailed it to Karen for her birthday. She opened the package, left it on the table and went to run some errands. While she was gone, her children put the puzzle together, got the joke and took the puzzle apart again for their mom to assemble. It was one of Ralph's favorite jokes and Karen's most memorable birthday gifts from her brother.


Doreen said... [Reply to comment]

What a sweet story. I sometimes have no idea how I would get by without my memories...and photos. I have not stopped by to say hello in awhile and am enjoying going through some of your posts:)
Have a blessed week.

Annie Boreson said... [Reply to comment]

Great gift. What a fun idea and a wonderful memory.

Renee said... [Reply to comment]

It's a blessing to have such heart warming meories. This seems to be particularly special, thanks for sharing.

thelmaz said... [Reply to comment]

Doreen, thanks for stopping by again. Anne and Renee, I love remembering silly things Ralph and I did.


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