This past weekend was my granddaughter Gabriella's Bat Mitzvah. When a Jewish child is 13, he or she celebrates becoming an adult member of the community by reading from the Torah (the Five Books of Moses) for the first time and leading the congregation in prayer. The picture above is Gabby, on the left, and Lauren, her partner who also celebrated her Bat Mitzvah.
The ceremony begins on Friday night when the girls chant prayers and lead responsive readings. After that the families have a Sabbath dinner. Monica, Gabby's mom, toasts her at dinner.
Gabby gave her dad, Michael, a hug after dinner.
Saturday is the most special, when the Bat Mitvah girl reads a portion from the Torah. Here's Gabby, looking a bit nervous, arriving at the temple.
Gabby holding the Torah, with Mom and Dad.
Saturday night was a party, mostly for kids, at Lucky Strikes, which has bowling, pool, and dancing to very loud music.
Bowling alley, with video loop of Gabby at the end.
For a grandmother, this weekend could not have been more special. To see my beloved granddaughter take her place among her people, to hear her voice as she chanted from the Torah, to see how she has grown from a little girl to the beginning of young womanhood, from a kid who didn't take her Bat Mitzvah very seriously and her journey to understanding the true meaning of this weekend, was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. It brought me tears of joy and pride. What more could a Nana ask?