Saturday, May 7, 2011

Thanks to

Many thanks to Melissa Kline for the Versatile Blogger Award. I'm displaying it proudly. Please visit Melissa's site--see link above.

Now I'm passing the award on to the following bloggers (Note that I'm not including the 26 I listed from the A to Z Challenge. Everyone should have a chance for an award, don't you agree?\

And here are my secrets. That's part of the deal. If you get the award, you direct traffic to the person who gave it to you, pass it on to 15 other bloggers, and tell 7to 10 secrets about yourself. I listed 25 facts about me, so I think these secrets have to be different. Here goes:

1. The only time I played hooky in school was when the art teacher said the next time we came to her class we had to draw something besides a house and a tree, and I knew I couldn't. (Still can't.)

2. I can't eat chocolate; it gives me migraine. (My life is tragic, isn't it?)

3. I once spent the night in the deserted Minneapolis airport when my plane got in past mightnight.

4. I know the capitals of all 50 states.

5. I have been in 44 of the 50 states. I haven't visited Rhode Island, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, or Montana.

6. I caught chicken pox from a child the first year I worked as a speech pathologist and had to cancel my New Year's Eve date. He didn't believe my story and called at midnight to be sure I was home.

7. My favorite class in high school was Latin. Our Latin teacher was so beloved that her students raised money to buy her a ticket to Rome, to fulfill her lifelong dream.


Bella said... [Reply to comment]

Thelma, thank you so much for the vesatile blogger button award! I'm honored and tickled pink! :)

Elizabeth Young said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you SO much Melissa, but I already have a Versatile Blogger Award (which I very proudly display.) Is there someone else you could give this Award to? I really appreciate you thinking of me, it is truly an honour, and I always appreciate your visits! Many thanks, Elizabeth.

monicastangledweb said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you, Thelma. This is so sweet of you. I'll treasure it always and wear the button proudly. :)

Dafeenah said... [Reply to comment]

Congrats on the award! Very well deserved and I too suffer from the dreaded chocolate migraine. Although it doesn't stop me from eating it. No pain no gain, isn't that what they say? lol

Louise Gallagher said... [Reply to comment]

Hello Thelma! Thank you for this lovely gift and surprise!

I shall pass it along tomorrow -- I had to write about my daughter today.

what a lovely gesture.



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