Sunday, April 19, 2020

Books of February and March

 I've been posting so much about the coronavirus that I thought I should write about something else today.  I have been reading a lot of very long books so I only have a few for the last two months.

Talking with Strangers.  I always enjoy Malcolm Gladwell's books.  They enourage you to look at things in a new way.  This one is about the difficulty of communication between people of different backgrounds or different cultures.  Worth reading.

The Silent Patient.  This has been on the best seller list for a long time.  Not sure why.  Didn't like it.

Baby Teeth.  About a "bad seed" kid who hates her mother and wants to kill her.  Scary.

Watergate Girl.  Memoir of a woman who was part of the Watergate hearings against Nixon.

Happy reading!

Talking with Strangers.  I always enjoy Malcolm Gladwell's books. They give a reader new ways of looking at things.  This one is about misunderstandings that arise between people of different backgrounds and cultures when they try to communicate with one another.  Very illuminating.



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