Please note: If you're in the Ocala, Florida area, I'll be on the Larry and Robin show on WOCA around 11:00.
Auchard, Betty. Dancing in My Nightgown: Stephens Press, 2005
Brothers, Joyce. Widowed: Ballantine Books, 1992.
Caine, Lynn. Being a Widow. Penguin, 1990.
Didion, Joan. The Year of Magical Thinking: Alfred
A. Knopf, 2005. Considered the classic
memoir of the first year of widowhood.
Ericsson, Stephanie. Companion Through the Darkness: Harper Paperbacks, 1993. Lyrical musings about widowhood.
Greene, Phyliss. It Must Have Been Moonglow: Villard, 2003
I loved this book. Warm and
gentle look at widowhood.
Donald. Without: Mariner Books, 1999. The poet’s unflinching
poems about the death of his wife, Jane Kenyon
Hertzler, Janelle Shantz. Seasons of Solace: Synergy Books, 2010.
Logelin, Matt. Two Kisses for Maddy: Grand Central Publishing. 2011.
Oates, Joyce Carol. A Widow’s Story: Ecco.
Radziwill, Carolyn. What Remains: A Story of Fate, Friendship and Love: Scribner, 2007.
Roiphe, Ann. Epilogue: Harper Perennial, 2009. My favorite.
Sittser, Jerry. A Grace
Disguised: Zondervan, 2004.
Silvera, Jennifer. Believe:
A Young Widow’s Journey Through Darkness and Back: Kregel Publications, 2009.
Trillin, Calvin. About Alice:
Random House, 2006. The writer’s
tribute to his late wife.
Zirkelbach, Thelma. Mazo Publishing, 2013. Stumbling Through the Dark
Zirkelbach, Thelma, Haigler, Becky, Robbins, Barbara, Conley, Robyn. Silver Boomer Books, 2012. On Our
Own: Widowhood for Smarties. Anthology of prose and poetry about the
widowhood experience.
Blair, Pamela and Noel, Brook.
I Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye:
Surviving, Coping and Healing
After the Sudden Death of a Loved One:
Sourcebooks, Inc., 2008. Also has
a related workbook. Unfortunately, the appendix omits the URL of many websites
it recommends.
Ames, Ed. A Handbook for Widowers: Centering
Corporation, 2004
Janet. Alone and Alive: Shafer Publishing, 2011.
William. The Way of Transition: Embracing Life’s Most Difficult Moments: Perseus Publishing, 2001.
Estlund, Annie. For Widows Only: Universe, 2003. Warm, uplifting book filled with helpful
Fine, Carla. No Time to Say Goodbye: Surviving the Suicide of a Loved One: Main
Street Books, 1999.
Goshen-Gottstein, Esther. Surviving Widowhood: Gefen Publishing House, 2002. Worth reading for the chapter “Climbing
Alone” about the everyday issues widows/widowers face.
Greenberg, Genevieve Davis: Widow to Widow: Da Capo Press, 1995. The first book I read on widowhood and one of
the best: thorough and filled with
practical advice.
Immerman, Marion. Immy's Book: A Guide to Death and Living. PublishAmerica, 2004.
Neeld, Elizabeth Harper. Seven Choices: Finding Daylight After Loss Shatters Your
World: Grand Central Publishing,
Novak, Pat. The ABC’s of Widowhood: First Books Library, 2003. Entries for every letter of the alphabet,
each with a brief paragraph. Sketchy
material, but any book with an entry for Ice cream under “I” is worth a look.
White, Jerry. I Will Not Be Broken: 5 Steps to
Overcoming a Life Crisis: St. Martin’s Press, 2008.
This young man lost a leg when he stepped on a landmine. How he got through this tragedy is relevant
to any life crisis.
Lost My Partner, What’ll I Do?:
Ruth Spector Webster, M.S.W. McCormick Press, 1999. Not one of my favorites.
Attig, Thomas. How We Grieve: Oxford
University Press, 2010 (2nd
edition) Addresses the complexity of grief and change with great insight.
Berger. Susan. The Five Ways We
Grieve: Trumpeter, 2009. A new way to look at grief, this book
presents five different profiles of grievers.
Which one are you?
Hickman, Martha. Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for
Working Through Grief: Harper
Paperbacks, 1994.
Jozefowski, Joanne. The Phoenix
Phenomenon: Rising from the Ashes of
Grief: Jason Aronson, 1999.
Ruth Davis. The Truth About
Grief: The Myth of its Five Stages and
the New Science of Loss: Simon and
Schuster, 2011.
Kushner, , Rabbi Harold. When Bad Things Happen to Good People: Anchor, 2004.
A classic. You don’t have to be
Jewish to learn from this book.
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth and
Kessler, David. On Grief and
Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the 5 Stages of Loss:
Scribner, 2007.
Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth. On Death and Dying. Scribner, 1997.
Housden, Roger. Harmont Books, 2012. Ten Poems to Say Goodbye
Viorst, Judith. Necessary Losses: Simon and Schuster, 1986. See the chapter on love and mourning.
William. Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes. Addison Wesley, 1980. Bridges works with corporations, but this
book also apply to personal life changes.
“Getting Them Through the Wilderness”
Chodron, Pema. Getting Unstuck: Sounds True (audio), 2006.
Chodron, Pema. When Things Fall Apart: Shambhala,
Remen, Rachel Naomi Kitchen Table Wisdom: Riverhead Trade Books, 2001. Inspirational
book for anyone, not just widows/widowers.
Remen, Rachel Naomi. My Grandfather’s Blessings: Riverhead Trade Books, 2006
Nuland, Sherwin. How We Die: Vintage, 1995. One of my favorites. Written with insight and compassion. See also, How We Live.
Hablitzel, William. Dying is the Best Thing That Ever Happened
to Me: Sunshine Ridge Publishing,
2006. Written by a doctor, stories of
courage in the face of death. See also, 12
Secrets for Healing and It was Only a Moment Ago
Lieberman, Susan. Death, Dying and Dessert. To be released in May 2013
Markova, Dawna. I Will Not Die
an Unlived Life: Conari Press, 2000.
Jenkins, Margie. You Only Die Once: 2002.
Williams-Murphy, Monica and
Murphy, Kris. It’s Okay to Die. Available from Their newsletter can also be sent to your
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