Monday, August 21, 2017

Books of July

I have read all of Daniel's Silva's books and I look forwards to his latest, which usually comes out in July.  Then I devour it.  Gabriel Allon, art restorer, spy, assassin, is now the head of the Israeli secret service and I wondered what he could do from his office, but not to worry.  He is called (or calls himself) back into action to set up and elaborate plot to catch a bad guy who got away.

Curtis Dawkins, who has an MFA, is now serving a life sentence without parole for a murder committed when he was on drugs.  His stories about prison life are fictional but he knows the life well and bases them on his observations and experiences.  I give this book an A.  It introduces the reader to a world s/he has undoubtedly never known and never will.

I read this for my book club.  A child, of course wearing a red coat, goes missing.  We follow her life and that of her frantic mother.  Far-fetched but a quick read.
Happy Reading!



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