Sunday, October 17, 2021

Jeopardy Answers

Sad week for Jeopardy!  Matt Amodio lost, but I guess winning over $1,000,000 makes up for it.

 Answers to last week's questions:

This state is south of Kentucky.  What is Tennessee?

Tbe two female founders of Hogworts were Helga and this witch. Who is Rowena Ravenclaw?

Egg whites and sugar are made into this goo that is an ingredient of Snickers and Kit Kat bars.  What is nougat?

The museum for this female artist also maintains her home Abiqulu, New Mexico, sixty miles away.  Who is Georgia O'Keefe?  (And by the way, the Houston Museum of Fine Arts has just opened an O'Keefe exhibit.

Her 1944 debut included this line:  "You know how to whistle, Steve.  Just put your lips together and blow."  Who is Lauren Bacall?

South Africa's Goolslang is a horrific cave beast that is part serpent and part this trumpeteter.  What is an elephant?Y

FYI:  Jeopardy is on ABC at 11:30 am, Central Time.  See how many questions you can come up with.



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