Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Thanks to Nancy MacMillan for this award. Check out Nancy at http://www.blogofavetswife.blogspot.com And now I'm passing on this award to the following 5 bloggers:

Jan http://www.connectere.wordpress.com

Suzi www.laundrylinedivine.com

Susan http://www.womannshadows.blogspot.com

Boo: http://www.boomayhew.blogspot.com

Maureen www.writingwithoutpaper.blogspot.com

Here are the rules for you five winners:

1. Thank the giver of the award and link back to them.
2. Give the Liebster Award to 5 bloggers and let them know with a comment to their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award onto your blog.
4. Enjoy the love of some of the most supportative people on the Internet.
5. Have fun blogging!


Maureen said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate your support.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you Thelma. I am so delighted to get this award today. I enjoyed Nancy's site and will visit the others you suggest here. With much September love to you, S

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Dearest Thelma,

Okay. I am the link that does not pass on the chain letter. I have spent 2 hours trying to make this all happen smoothly and yuck...it is not happening.
So, while I heartily appreciate your attention to my blog and the readers that attention will create for me...I just cannot spend another minute trying to make all the linking and stuff work.
I have a limited number of hours to write and now it's time to cook dinner.
I will highlight some blogs I love this week, in honor of you and this kind award. But the linking and notes part is overwhelming me.
Again, I am so thankful to you.
Yours, as ever, Suzi

Bella said... [Reply to comment]

Thelma, congratualations on your Liebster award! :)

jyourist said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you so much, Thelma. I am honored and humbled that you have included my blog in your liebster award list. You rock!

thelmaz said... [Reply to comment]

Suzi, I have finally figured out how to link. It took me over an hour to put the links on this post so I understand the problem. I am so tehnologically illiterate, I'm amazed I can even post.

Michael Ann, I have no idea how to get the signature to do that. The lady who designed my blog did it. Do you want her email?


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