Sunday, May 17, 2020

Things to do in Isolation

Texas is reopening.  I'm not ready to venture out.  My age group is discouraged from getting out and frankly the only place on my joining-the-world list right now is the nail salon.  I desperately need new nails.

If you're a widow alone at home, especially if you're a recent widow, these are tough times. Here are a couple of interesting places I've found on the internet:

Isolation Journals:  If you journal and are running out of things to journal about or even if you've never journaled but have always wanted to write but never found the time or thought you had anything to write about, well here's your solution.  She sends a prompt every morning at 5:30,  Does anyone get up at 5:30? Never mind.  It will be in your email even if you get up at noon.  Her prompts are fun and stimulate your creativity.  

If you like to listen to qujirky podcasts, you might enjoy  Thiese podcasts "interview" inanimate objects.  My favorite is an interview with a can of coca cola.
The latest I listened to was an interview with a restaurant mirror. 

And I recommend New Tricks for Old Dogs, another podcast at After some short pieces about current events, each podcast features an interview with a senior citizen.  (I''m partial to these guys because I am one of the seniors they inteviewed.--#24.  has all kinds of courses.  You can start with a free month and then decide if you want to sign up for an unlimited number of courses per year or you can buy a DVD from the original company at  I've probably listened to a hundred of their courses.  Or you can google Curiosity  or to listen to books or for all kinds of shows on your phone.

And for those of you missing your bridge or mah jongg or canasta games, you can always play online. 

And how would we survive without Zoom?  Aren't we lucky Zoom came up before we were stuck at home?

Stay safe. 



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