Sunday, October 17, 2010

Quote for the Week: Letter from Michael to Ralph

Ralph and I married when our children were small. My children, Lori and Michael, were nine and seven; Bryan, Ralph's son, was five. Our children grew up as a family. On Friday nights we always watched "The Brady Bunch" and remarked how much like them our own family was.

Michael wrote the letter below to Ralph and read it at his funeral.

Dear Ralph,

It is hard to express myself right now with spoken words as I tend to get very emotional when I come to visit. So, I thought I would write you this letter.

Although I have called you by your first name all of my life, I have always seen you as my father. You were there for us from almost the beginning and stayed with us through all our birthdays, special holidays, graduations, and every milestone in our lives. This has continued with Gabriella and Marco. You have taken the role of their one and only grandfather. They will never forget you for that. And neither will Monica and I.

I just wanted to thank you for helping me grow into the man, husband and father I am today. And for being a fine husband to my mom, father to me, Lori and Bryan, and grandfather to Gabriella and Marco. You have had a major impact on all our lives and we will always love you and appreciate everything you have done for us.

You asked if Gabriella would remember you. I don’t see how she could ever forget you. None of us will.

Thanks for everything Dad/Grandpa.




Michael Krieger said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for posting this letter. It is hard to believe it has been five years since Ralph's passing. I know Gabriella still thinks about him and misses him very much (as we all do).

marina delvecchio said... [Reply to comment]

Thelma, visiting your site from She Writes to thank you for participating on my site, Marinagraphy. I love your blog and its intent in honoring the man you love. I read the other post you put up about him, and he sounds like a wonderful man.

Also, how do you get the music to play on your site. That was touching - The Wind Beneath My Wings. Excellent choice. This is a very unique blog -- thanks for sharing it with us.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Even though I am crying - Thanks again Michael. I remember your reading it 5 years ago and it is just as touching seeing it today. We Love you. Aunt Karen


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