Sunday, June 17, 2018

Mah Jongg

I am learning to play Mah Jongg.  I've even surprised myself--I've never had any desire or frankly any time  to learn this game, but everyone in my bi-weekly lunch group plays after lunch.  Some people play several times a week; some play almost every day. I've decided maybe I should play, too.

My mother had a Mah Jongg set and sometimes she and my sister and I would play a few hands.  Usually my sister won.  She still plays Mah Jongg and I imagine she still wins.

Because of that experience X number of years ago, I was somewhat familiar with the various tiles, but everything else about the game was lost in dim memory.  So I'm learning all over again.  Last week I sat in on my friends' game.  A few days later a fellow resident loaned me her old set.  I've ordered a card, a book on Mah Jongg for beginners and signed up at a website called Mah Jongg Mentor.  

Will I like the game?  Who knows?  Will I be a good player?  Again, who knows?  But it seems like a good idea.  We'll see.  Maybe when my sister and I are on vacation together next month, she will give me some tips...but that might cut into our vacation Scrabble tournament.

I will post again next month on the progress of my Mah Jongg journey.  



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