Sunday, October 7, 2018

Books of September

Speaking American.  What do you call a meal you order and bring home from a restaurant?  In some parts of the country it's "take out" and in other parts "carry out."  This book covers all kinds of words and phrases that differ in various parts of the U.S.  It's a book for a language aficinado like me.

Nightingale.  The story of two French sisters during World War II and how they coped with their situations in very different way.  It was on the best seller list for quite some time.

Educated.  My favorite non-fiction book of the year, it's the memoir of a young woman who grew up in Idaho in a survivalist family--no birth certificate, no vaccinations, no doctor visits ever, no schooling except at home.  Unbelievably, she takes the ACT and gets accepted to Brigham Young University, where she is totally out of her depth.  But she persists and eventually earns a PhD. from Cambridge.  Fascinating story and, despite what some Amazon reviewers say, it's true, and isn't truth stranger than fiction?



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