I just read one of those "tips for bloggers" articles. One of the 56 tips was, "Never blog about your cat." Does this apply to me? Of course not. I don't have a cat; I have catS. Two of them. That's Toby on the left, Tiki on the right.
Toby is my cat; Tiki was Ralph's. Toby is still my favorite. (Sorry, Tiki. Don't read this.) When my daughter brought Toby for a trial visit, I thought I didn't want a new cat. She said, "Give him a week's trial." He got ouf of the carrier, walked straight to me and climbed into my lap. He had me from "meow."
Ralph picked Tiki out at a pet adoption center. When we brought her home, she hid in the fireplace for three days, then marched out and took over.
These two are great together. Every night around nine they jump in and out of the bathtub and chase each other around the house. Toby loves everyone. Last week he pattered after the Comcast guy and kept patting him on the arm. He befriends every kid who comes to the house for therapy. I have to keep him locked in the bedroom or he'd be on my therapy table wanting to join in.
Now for the serious stuff. I chose to blog about the cats because I believe they've been instrumental in helping me get through these first five years of widowhood. They are great company; they are always at the door to greet me when I come home; they are a presence in the house, someone to talk to. They are warm and cuddly, and we all know how you crave touch when you're lonely.
I truly recommend a pet to journey with you as you walk through the Widowsphere. Doesn't matter if it's a cat or a dog or even a guinea pig. (We once had a guinea pig that liked to follow me around the house.) Pets force you out of your shell because you must take care of them. Even a trip to the vet gets you out in the world. If you're walking your dog, people you meet always seem friendlier. Want to start socializing again? Head for the dog park or any park and your dog will attract others. It's easy to start a conversation. Most of all, on dark nights when you're sure you'll never make it through, your pet gives you courage and unending love.
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