Friday, November 5, 2010

Readers' Memoirs of Widowhood

Here are the 6-word memoirs posted by readers.

Left behind; must find own way.

It is Painful. Scary. Lonely. Unwanted.

Tested by fire, surviving by love.

I wish for a do over.

Not what I planned for us.

Life is short. Make it count.

Miss everything about us, my love.

Gotta kill my own bugs.

I love hard and mourn harder.

Six words? Can't touch my loss.

He is gone; I am here

So lonely, he shoud be here.

I'll not let death define me.

I'd do it all over again.

It's not too late to post yours. I'll be drawing a name for the book on Wednesday next week.


Dr. Cyndi said... [Reply to comment]

This is lovely and so profound. Here is mine:

He is gone. I am here.

Tricia said... [Reply to comment]

so much can be said in 6 words
My 6 words are

I'll not let death define me.


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