Sunday, February 24, 2019

Two Old Goats

I have a pinched nerve near the back of my neck.  When I first noticed it, I felt like a hot poker was digging into my back.  I especially noticed it when I was typing on my computer.  Nothing seemed to help....and then....  One day I was reading the newspaper and I glanced through one of those weekly inserts, either the Examiner, a neighborhood weekly, or Senior Living.  I don't remember which.  But I came upon an advice health column.  A woman had sent in a question about the severe pain in her knee, and the columnist said, "You should get a jar of Two Old Goats cream.  You'll feel better right away."

Sounded pretty silly to me.  On a whim, I looked it up on Amazon because I figure if Amazon doesn't have it, it doesn't exist.  There it was, with 5 star reviews all down the page.  For $12, how could I go wrong?  I ordered a jar.  When I opened it, I smelled eucalyptus.  I looked at the list of ingredients and noticed that one was goats' milk.  Ah ha!  The source of the name, probably milk from two very old goats.  I tried the cream and it actually helped.  Didn't cure the pain but it soothed it for several hours. 

Look it up.  You never know when it might come in handy and it's certainly easier than keeping several ancient goats around.



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