Monday, November 25, 2019

At the Movies

Yesterday I went to a movie.  On the spur of the moment I decided to see "The Good Liar."  So off I went to the Edwards Theater, bought my ticket, chose my seat and settled down to see the movie. 

 After an endless list of previews, the movie began.  I enjoyed it, but I would have enjoyed it more had it not been for the man two seats from me.  About a third  through the movie, I heard a strange sound.  At first I thought it might be sounds effects but that didn't make sense at that point in the story.  Maybe it was a noise from the theater, but no.  Then I looked to my right.  The seat next to me was empty, but next to that, the man on the end of the row had his head down and was snoring--not just a gentle snore but a huge, loud snore over and over again.  On my other side was a enjoying their popcorn.  I looked past them to see if there were empty seats around us.  The man turned to me and whispered, "Something wrong?"  I pointed to Snoring Guy.  He nodded and after a few minutes left his seat.  Shortly after that a young man who worked at the theater appeared in the entrance.  The man beside me waved his hand.  The worker came up to our row, woke Snoring Man and whispered something to him.   He sat up, stayed awake for a while, then resumed his nap.

I wondered who would pay more than $10 to take a nap?  I wondered if I should say something to him when we exited the row, something like, "I hope you enjoyed your nap," perhaps adding, "I didn't."  But that seemed rude and possibly dangerous.  You never know about people these days.  So I left quietly. wondering where he went next.

What would you have done/said/thought?



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