Yes, I have done it! Huffing and puffing, I have made it to the zenith, the summit of the A to Z Mountain. And I have visited all 1282 A to Z blogs. What a challenge, what fun.

In honor of my fellow Challenge Bloggers, here are 26 of the blogs I especially enjoyed. It was hard to choose, but I had to draw the line somewhere, and 26 seemed the appropriate number.
www.katieosullivan.blogspot.com Editor, author, mom, dog whisperer
www.thegoldeneaglesblog.blogspot.com Blogs about writing and science
www.abeginneragain.blogspot.com Former physician, current wannabe writer
www.fruitofmylabour.blogspot.com Life of a grandpa on a farm near Malaysian mountain range
www.survivingmiddle-agedwidowhood.blogspot.com Here’s a blog I follow regularly.
www.muruginjehia.blogspot.com Blog called Her World, with great pictures
www.dishwaterdreams.com Great writing tips and prompts
www.kitcourteney.blogspot.com Love her uncensored mutterings
www.meandering-martha.blogspot.com Really great posts. She also has recipes at www.seasidesimplicity.blogspot.com
www.candidcanine.blogspot.com All the news fit to bark about
www.billiemilholland.com I love the title of this blog—Mulled Whine.
www.laughatalzheimers.blogspot.com Yes, it’s possible to laugh at Alzheimers.
www.goldentosilver.blotspot.com Her banner says she’s a senior citizen, tightly clutching her sense of humor for dear life. You gotta love that, especially if you’re also a senior citizen, like me.
www.oaklawnimages.blogspot.com They do cards and prints. I love their beautiful photos.
www.queenofenglish.wordpress.com Call me crazy, but I love grammar.
www.kachlynda.wordpress.com This blogger loves history and writing.
www.neneng99701-lorena.blogspot.com Amazing photos
www.staceyarcher.wordpress.com Nice posts, good photos and great banner
www.michelleteacress.blogspot.com Aspiring author who loves to read
www.mynext20yearsofliving.blogspot.com Retired knitter (I didn’t know knitters retired) with interesting posts and pictures
www.contentforfoodies.blogspot.com Seems to know everything about food. Blogged about one food each day for the A to Z Challenge.
www.pleasewithease.blogspot.com Full title is Recipes that Please. Can you tell I like to eat?
www.anne-k-albert.blogspot.com Anne is a member of the SheWrites community. She and I have picked the same images for letters at least twice during the Challenge. Weird.
www.writercize.blogspot.com Neat exercises for writers/bloggers.
www.dafeenah-hiddentreasure.blogspot.com Blogger, cover designer, member of SheWrites community
www.bish-randomthoughts.blogspot.com Children’s writer from the Virgin Islands
Thanks to all the wonderful bloggers I've met this month. We did it!!!