1.I don’t look like a romance writer but I am one.
2.I started driving at age 12 and had to sit on a pillow to see over the steering wheel.
3.I have had only one kind of job, being a speech pathologist, and I still love it after nearly 40 years.
4.I am afraid of birds and bugs.
5.My favorite comfort food is coffee ice cream.
6.When I was 19, I caught fire from a gas heater and nearly burned to death.
7.My favorite poem is “Ithaca” by Cavafy.

8.My favorite person is my granddaughter Gabriella.
9.I wake up without an alarm clock no matter what time I have to be up.
10.I have visited the two places I most wanted to see: Antarctica and Troy.
11.I get up in the middle of the night to watch the Australian Open Tennis Tournament on TV.
12.I hate ketchup.
13.My best friend and I once signed an oath in blood to be friends forever.
14.I have seen a total eclipse of the sun.
15.My father was my personal hero.
16.My pen name, Lorna Michaels, is a combination of my children’s names—Lori and Michael.
17.I once had a dog we named General because he was a “general” kind of dog.
18.I love cats now but I was afraid of them when I was younger.
19.When my children were small, we had the following pets at various times:
Dog, cat, horse, rat, mouse, gerbil, guinea pig, rabbit, iguana, turtle, newt, ants in an ant farm, Venus fly-trap.
20.I broke my nose at the Charles DeGaulle airport in Paris
21.I pay myself to exercise but I haven’t made much money from it.
22.I once passed out when I was giving a speech, got up and finished the speech.
23.In 2008 I was Ms. May in a calendar put out by Humana Active Outlook.
24.I met my late husband at a Mensa party.
25.My favorite movie is "The Shawshank Redeption."
Hi Thelma, thanks for sharing - glad to know you a bit better.
I too can get up any time I want without alarm - in fact I would get up much earlier!
My second son is a Mensa member.
Life on The Farm
"I pay myself to exercise but I haven't made much money from it." Love it! I'll have to remember that. It sounds like you live a very interesting life! I saw your post on She Writes, but I'm doing the A-Z challenge too. Stop by and say hi if you have a chance!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I was a speech pathologist too...haven't worked in several years but I did love it.
I'm getting around to most of the blogs in the challenge-it is a big job!!
Thelma, what a wonderful list! What do you mean you don't look like a romance writer?! Are they supposed to look a special way? hee hee! I enjoy these lists because they really tell readers a lot about the blogger. My favorite comfort food is ice cream too!
What a fun, creative, and inspiring list! You are a very interesting person. I loved these personal snippets!
HI, Thelma. Thanks for visiting my blog. What a creative idea to do for T. I am going to do more fun blogs in May, I promise.
MM the Queen of English
Wow, Thelma, you've got a great blog and very interesting personal fact sheet.
Thanks for checking out my blog and for the 'follow'! So glad to have you with me!!! I’m still new to blogging and really appreciate any new followers.
If you click on my main page photo it will take you to my Oak Lawn Images, Facebook site with my catalogue of photos. Please keep checking back, because I often change the main blog page photo.
Kathy @ Oak Lawn Images
love your new look x
Fun facts! Thanks for sharing.
Thought i'd stop by your blog, and thanks for visiting mine!
i wish i could wake up without an alarm; that's a handy talent. #21 made me laugh, because i thought, 'what a great idea!', and then realized i wouldn't make very much either.
I love these lists. I did one recently as well. You learn so much about people. I, too, love The Shawshank Redemption. I can't pass it up when it's on TV.
Hi Thelma, thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed reading your list. I like The Shawshank Redemption, too! Have a great week!
Hi Thelma....Thank you for visiting me and also for liking my site well enough to follow me. I have to get to bed right now as I work tomorrow but I will be back to read more about you. Have a wonderful Monday...see you soon.
I love these 'fact about me' posts. Thank you for sharing. I am so impressed you get up when you need to without an alarm clock.
And The Shawshank Redemption (and Tootsie) are my favourite movies too.
Okay. Can I give you 25 facts about me?
I will start.
1. I have a rose tattoo that very few people have seen.
2. My Dad was a gourmet cook.
3. My Mom studied art as a young woman.
4. I have made my living mostly by sewing.
5. I was once a personal dresser to a big star.
6. When I worked for Martha Graham sewing costumes, I used to save her phone messages on my answering machine.
7. I get really grossed out by public nose clearing of any sort.
8. I am really finicky about hand germs, especially when I am canning.
9.I used to collect teddy bears.
10. A long lost best friend recently found me and we are doing much of the same work. For some reason this terrifies me.
11. I really miss my Mom on Christian and Hallmark holidays.
12. I have saved hundreds of letters from my Mom.
13. Sometimes I use them in my art.
14. I really love celery.
15. I lived in a 5th floor walk-up in NYC and often carried my wet laundry to the roof to hang outside.
16. I am a long time member of Al-Anon and I believe it saved my life.
17. I am not a dog or cat person at all, though there are a few dogs that I love.
18. I love to swim and body surf almost more than anything.
19. Avocado was the first food I could name as a baby.
20. I used to have 2 pierced holes in my right ear.
21. I am a good choral singer and I love to sight read.
22. I love teen agers with a passion.
23. I am a stamp snob, I only like pretty stamps.
24. I cannot throw away anything without first considering if I can make art with it.
25. 3 years ago, I did not know how to turn on a computer.
There. That was easier than I thought!
Hugs to you Thelma, Love, S
My favorites are #20 and 22. I can totally relate to speaking and fainting. I've had to give many a speech and there were moments when fainting would have come in real handy. Great post, awesome blog!
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