Wednesday, April 18, 2012

R is for Reunion

This weekend I will be attending my high school reunion. I won't say what number this is; let's just say it's more than 20, and there will probably be a lot of old people attending. Not me, of course; I've hardly changed since high school.
Anyway, since I haven't been yet, I am posting my favorite reunion cartoons. Hope you enjoy them.


4 Life said... [Reply to comment]

I love the Ziggy one! I've always wanted to visit the past, myself, just a visit, no to live. Especially the 1600-1700's! You're on R already, you must be on the other side of the world from Texas, though I see you were born in Austin! I'm in Houston. Howdy!

Texas Playwright Chick

monicastangledweb said... [Reply to comment]

I agree with Texas Playwright Chick. Ziggy's a riot! Plus, Ziggy reminds me of my mother who always looked forward to reading the Ziggy cartoons (and who's gone), so he'll always have a special place in my heart. But, they're all fun. Enjoy your reunion!

Cindy Dwyer said... [Reply to comment]

Funny cartoons. My 20 year college reunion is coming up in a few weeks. I'm not sure how that happened, when I've only aged a few years...

Donna Sexton said... [Reply to comment]

The cooler than you guy made me laugh. I've haven't gone to any of my high school reunions (it's past 30). Maybe I'll go to the 50th...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Have a wonderful time.

Martha said... [Reply to comment]

Fun post. I hope you have a wonderful time!


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